Frozen Moments Lost In Time.

John Frum

&quot;The John Frum movement appeared for the first time in the 1940s in the New Hebrides (as Vanuatu was called at the time). At that time some 300,000 American troops established themselves in Vanuatu. The islanders were impressed both by the egalitarianism of the Americans and their obvious wealth and power. This led them to conflate perceived benefactors such as Uncle Sam, Santa Claus and John the Baptist into a mythic figure called Jon Frum, who would empower the island peoples by giving them cargo wealth. The power of Jon Frum appeared to be confirmed by the post-war influx of tourists to the region, who brought with them a degree of material prosperity to the islands. The cult is still active today. The Jon Frum movement also has its own political party, led by Song Keaspai.&quot; &#8212; <a href=\"\">Jon Frum, Wikipedia</a>
&quot;Jon Frum
He mus come
Look at old fellas
Give us some big presents
Give us some good tok-tok&quot; &#8212; <a href=\"\"><i>The Happy Isles of Oceania, Paddling the Pacific</i> by Paul Theroux</a>
The colors on John Frum\'s hat are from the official <a href=\"\"\">John Frum flag</a>. The name may be derived from an American proselytizer named John who was \"from\" America.

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